The Narrow-billed Tody performs silent display flights, unlike many birds that use vocal displays to attract mates or defend territory

The Narrow-billed Tody (Todus angustirostris) is a small, vibrant bird species endemic to the Caribbean island of Hispaniola, which comprises the countries of…

The Indigo Bunting’s vibrant blue feathers doesn’t actually contain any blue pigment

The Indigo Bunting (Passerina cyanea) is a small bird species renowned for its vibrant blue plumage, which is most prominent in males. These…

While not as renowned for talking as some other parrots, Plain Parakeets are surprisingly skilled at mimicking sounds

The Plain Parakeet (Brotogeris tirica) is a small, vibrant bird native to Brazil, particularly prevalent in the Atlantic Forest. Renowned for its striking…

The Western Parotia, also known as the Arfak Parotia, is a charming bird-of-paradise with an outstanding look and distinctive courting rituals

The western or Arfak parotia (Parotia sefilata) is a fascinating bird-of-paradise species found in the mountain forests of western New Guinea. It is…

The Vulturine Guineafowl’s bald head, while seemingly vulnerable…actually helps regulate its body temperature in the hot African sun

The Acryllium vulturinum, also known as the Vulturine Guineafowl, is a species of bird that is a member of the family Numididae and…

The King of Saxony bird-of-paradise stands as one of the world’s most beautiful birds and holds significant cultural importance for the people of New Guinea

The King of Saxony bird-of-paradise is a remarkable bird belonging to the Paradisaeidae family, renowned for its unique appearance and spectacular courtship display.…

A single Bohemian Waxwing can consume a staggering 1,000 berries in a day

The Bohemian Waxwing (Bombycilla garrulus) is a fascinating songbird belonging to the Bombycillidae family. With a size comparable to a sparrow, these feathered…

Francesca, Former Wife of James Hetfield said that the divorce from James broke her heart and now ‘The relationship had reached a point where she never imagined it would’

Recent reports have surfaced regarding the purported intention of Metallica’s frontman, James Hetfield, and his wife of 25 years, Francesca, to pursue a…

‘What They Hated the Most Was That He Was a Fan’: Metallica Producer Thinks This Might Be Why Jason Newsted’s Bass Is Inaudible on ‘Justice’

‘What They Hated the Most Was That He Was a Fan’: Metallica Producer Thinks This Might Be Why Jason Newsted’s Bass Is Inaudible…

The Jackson’s hornbill is exclusively found in northeastern Uganda and northwestern Kenya

The Bucerotidae family counts the Jackson’s hornbill (Tockus jacksoni) among its members. Its sole known habitats are in northeastern Uganda and northwestern Kenya.…

The King Bird-of-Paradise is likened to a dazzling dancer adorned with a regal crown

One member of the Paradisaeidae family is the medium-sized King Bird-of-Paradise, scientifically known as Cicinnurus regius. This stunning animal lives in the tropical…

Kirk Hammett Says Metallica Doesn’t Tour Enough: “What It’s All About Is Playing Guitar and Writing, Recording, Going Out on Tour”

Kirk Hammett Says Metallica Doesn’t Tour Enough: “What It’s All About Is Playing Guitar and Writing, Recording, Going Out on Tour” Metallica guitarist…