Brilliant Plumage: The bird’s vibrant green feathers give it excellent camouflage in the dense forests

The Indochinese Green Magpie (*Cissa hypoleuca*) is a striking and elusive bird native to Southeast Asia, primarily found in the dense forests of countries like Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, and Cambodia. This bird is recognized for its vibrant, almost neon-green plumage, which helps it blend into its lush, forested environment. Its black face mask and reddish-orange bill and legs create a striking contrast against its green body, making it visually distinct.

This magpie is a member of the crow family (Corvidae), known for their intelligence and social behavior. The Indochinese Green Magpie is typically found in small family groups or pairs, moving through the forest canopy in search of food. Its diet is omnivorous, consisting of insects, small reptiles, and a variety of fruits and seeds.

Though beautiful, the Indochinese Green Magpie is a shy and secretive bird, making it hard to spot in the wild. It prefers the dense undergrowth of montane forests, often at higher elevations, where it can forage undisturbed.

Unfortunately, habitat loss due to deforestation poses a threat to this species, and its population is declining in certain areas. Conservation efforts are critical to preserving the Indochinese Green Magpie’s natural habitat and ensuring the survival of this stunning bird.