The Azure-winged Magpie stands out with its striking blue wings and tail

The Azure-winged Magpie (*Cyanopica cyanus*) is a striking bird known for its beautiful plumage and social behavior. It is medium-sized, measuring around 31-35 cm, with distinctive blue wings and tail, which contrast against its beige or light grey body and black cap. This bird is often found in eastern Asia, particularly in China, Korea, and Japan, as well as parts of the Iberian Peninsula in Spain and Portugal.

Azure-winged Magpies are highly social and usually seen in small groups or flocks. They have a varied diet, feeding on fruits, seeds, insects, and even small vertebrates. Their intelligence is also noteworthy, as they display cooperative behaviors, such as group foraging and sharing food within their flocks.


Their nesting habits involve building cup-shaped nests high in trees, often in colonies. Both males and females participate in feeding the young, and they exhibit strong family bonds.

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