James Hetfield’s Passion for Bird Watching: “I’ve Got Probably Six Bird Feeders set up”

James Hetfield’s Passion for Bird Watching: “I’ve Got Probably Six Bird Feeders set up”

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When he’s not on tour with Metallica, James Hetfield has found a wholesome and relaxing hobby: bird watching. Hetfield enjoys spending his downtime on the porch, smoking a cigar, and observing the birds. His passion for this pastime has grown so much that he has set up about six bird feeders around his property – at least until the bears get to them.

In a recent episode of The Metallica Report, Hetfield discussed his love for bird watching and animals in general. “I love all animals. I love them… especially with salt and cooked medium rare,” he joked. “No! I love the beasts of this planet, they’re so cool. On my time off, I’m obsessed with having a cigar on the porch and I’ve got probably about six bird feeders. I know all the birds that come out there and I’ve got my little app that has bird noises. I can see which one they are, and I’ll pull it up and talk to ’em and all that stuff.”

Hetfield’s enjoyment is interrupted only when the bears come out of hibernation and wreak havoc on his bird feeders. He finds joy in the simplicity of the animal kingdom, contrasting it with the complexity of human life.

“I do live in a place where there are animals all the time, and I get to see ’em. I admire the wolf, I admire the eagle, I admire the buffalo, I admire the elk,” he explained. “Humans have been so distracted by worldly clamor that we’ve forgotten about survival. These animals wake up thinking – well, I don’t know what they’re thinking – but what I visualize is they have to eat, so that’s what they do.”

He admires the straightforwardness of their existence. “They go out and search for food, and that is their purpose for the day. They don’t need to worry about all the other stuff. At the end of the day, being grateful for the fact that I had food, that’s all I need for today.”