The Comoros Blue Vanga is one of the few bird species native to the Comoros Islands and recognized for its remarkable blue plumage

The Comoros Blue Vanga is a bird species endemic to the Comoros Islands, located off the coast of East Africa. Known for its striking blue plumage, this bird primarily inhabits tropical forests and mangrove areas. Male birds typically have a deeper blue color than females, with distinctive white spots on their wings. They are one of the iconic bird species of the islands, playing a crucial role in the local ecosystem.

The Comoros Blue Vanga has a diverse diet. It feeds on small insects, spiders, and other invertebrates found in the upper layers of trees. Occasionally, it also consumes small fruits and seeds. Its ability to fly swiftly and maneuver through dense foliage allows it to effectively forage in its forested habitat. This adaptability helps the species maintain a stable population despite its relatively isolated environment.


Artamie des Comores. Famille des Vangidés. Ordre : Passériformes

The declining numbers of the Comoros Blue Vanga are a growing concern. The primary causes are habitat loss and the over-exploitation of natural resources on the islands. Although it is not yet listed as an endangered species, preserving its habitat is essential to ensure the sustainable future of this rare bird.