Melodic Song: Despite being a member of the babbler family, the Silver-eared Mesia has a surprisingly sweet and melodious song

The Silver-eared Mesia (Leiothrix argentauris) is a vibrant and eye-catching bird native to the subtropical and tropical forests of Southeast Asia, particularly in countries like Thailand, Myanmar, and Vietnam. This small passerine bird is easily recognizable by its bright yellow-orange body, olive-green wings, and distinctive silver patches around its ears, which give the species its name. The striking combination of colors makes the Silver-eared Mesia a favorite among bird watchers and a popular species in aviculture.

In the wild, Silver-eared Mesias are social birds, often found in small flocks that move actively through the forest undergrowth in search of food. Their diet consists mainly of insects, berries, and fruits, which they forage for in dense vegetation. These birds are known for their melodious and varied songs, which they use to communicate with each other, particularly during the breeding season. Their calls are not only beautiful but also play a role in maintaining the cohesion of the flock as they navigate their forest habitats.


Fraser’s Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

The Silver-eared Mesia, while still relatively common in its native range, faces challenges due to habitat loss from deforestation and land conversion. Additionally, its popularity in the pet trade has led to concerns about over-collection in some areas. Conservation efforts are important to ensure that wild populations remain stable, with a focus on protecting the natural habitats that these colorful birds depend on. The Silver-eared Mesia’s presence in the wild is a testament to the rich biodiversity of Southeast Asia’s forests and the need to preserve these environments for future generations.