Despite their striking appearance, Ocellated Tapaculos are incredibly elusive and difficult to spot, as they are masters of camouflage

The Ocellated Tapaculo (Acropternis orthonyx) is a distinctive and striking bird species found in the Andean regions of South America. Characterized by its unique appearance, this bird boasts bold black-and-white patterns across its body, with prominent white spots on its wings and back, giving it a somewhat “ocellated” or eye-like appearance. It also has a vibrant rufous-brown underbelly and a bushy tail that it often flicks while moving through dense undergrowth.

Ocellated Tapaculos are known for their secretive behavior, typically staying hidden within the thick vegetation of cloud forests. Their loud, complex songs, however, often give away their presence before they are seen. These birds are ground-dwellers, feeding on insects and small invertebrates they find by foraging among leaf litter.

Due to their specific habitat requirements and the increasing deforestation in parts of their range, the Ocellated Tapaculo faces threats to its population. Conservation efforts are essential to protect these unique and enigmatic birds and the rich biodiversity of the Andean forests they inhabit.