Jurrien Timber trains diligently in Marbella with Mikel Arteta and the rest of the boys to prepare for the 2024/25 campaign

Jurrien Timber is training diligently in Marbella to prepare for the 2024/25 season.

The talented young center-back of Arsenal had a spectacular breakthrough season and quickly became a key player for the team. Timber’s impressive performance has attracted the attention of many major clubs.

Currently, Timber is participating in Arsenal’s preseason training camp in Marbella, Spain. Under the warm sun, Timber is rigorously training with his teammates, improving his physical fitness and tactical skills under the guidance of the coaching staff.

The 2024/25 season promises to be a crucial one for Timber. He aims to solidify his position in Arsenal’s starting lineup while striving to achieve new successes with the team. Timber might also catch the eye of the Dutch national team coach and be called up for upcoming international tournaments.

Timber’s intense training sessions in Marbella demonstrate his strong determination to shine in the upcoming season.