Declan Rice launches a new pitch at the Dickerage Lane Adventure Playground, where he played since he was two years old

Declan became involved in the renovation of the facility he had used since he was two years old, working alongside Muller and Adidas.

Declan expressed his immense pride while speaking to ITV. It’s evident that I’ve lived here for a very long time. Being a regular here since I was two years old, I’m now twenty-five years old.

My parents, brothers, and I have all grown up with it. Seeing the crowd and the turnout as you walk in is an incredible experience.

I was accustomed to it. I used to come through these gates four or five evenings a week when I was a kid and a teenager, and my mom had a hard time getting me home!

I love this location since I was аddicted to it and it had a huge impact on my life.