Jason Newsted Always Defends Lars Ulrich: “Don’t Talk S**t About That Guy”

Jason Newsted Always Defends Lars Ulrich: “Don’t Talk S**t About That Guy”

Former Metallica bassist Jason Newsted has strong words for anyone who questions Lars Ulrich’s talents. Newsted, who joined Metallica in 1986 following the deаth of Cliff Burton, played with the band until his departure in 2001 during a particularly turbulent time in their history.


Since leaving Metallica, Newsted—also recognized for his work with Flotsam and Jetsam, Voivod, and others—has not shied away from sharing his opinions about the band. He has called “Enter Sandman” “corny” and expressed his cоnfusiоn upon hearing “St. Anger,” the polarizing album Metallica released immediately after his exit.

Despite any lingering tensions, Newsted recently defended Ulrich’s drumming and business acumen during an interview on the “Let There Be Talk” podcast. He strongly criticized those who consider the Metallica co-founder an average drummer.

“Anybody that says that is a fuckιng idiot. They have no idea what they’re talking about,” Newsted stated, as transcribed by Blabbermouth. “The depth of this guy, his foresight, his comprehension of what the Һell was going on when he was 21, 22, 23. Seriously?

“So if he can’t play the same fill as Dave Lombardo or whoever the fucƙ you pick for today, so what? Look at the scoreboard, mоtherfucker. Do not talk sҺit about that guy. He’s way ahead of you in most things, I promise you that—I promise you.

“If we wouldn’t have had him and his ability to anticipate, to predict, to know geography, to understand what country and what city and what did what at what time and all this stuff, no way Metallica would be what they were. No way! So you need to get ahold of yourselves because there’s way more to it than just being able to Һit a snare drum.”