Fabio Vieira and Gabriel Martinelli’s beautiful friendship is admired by everyone as they train together, overcome injuries, and always stand side by side

Fabio Vieira and Gabriel Martinelli share a close bond off the field, as you might have noticed. Whenever club photographers Stuart McFarlane and David Price focus on one of them, it often seems the other isn’t far behind.

“We remain united at all times!” Vieira said. “Everyone loves him since he is a decent guy. I will do everything in my power to assist him, and not only him, but every member of the team. Working with him is easier because he is Portuguese. He is a wonderful buddy and a kind man, so I will do all I can to assist him.”

During an interview with ESPN Brazil, transcribed by Sport Witness via MAIS Futebol, Vieira expressed gratitude for his coach’s assistance. “His assistance with the language is very appreciated as I strive to enhance my English skills. It was beneficial for me to have Brazilians and Portuguese on the team. Thanks to their assistance, my limited English skills are improving, and I am making progress in my learning.”

Vieira also reflected on his journey to the Emirates. After a brief cameo against Manchester United, he made his Premier League debut this past weekend, following an ιnjury discovered during his Arsenal physical. “Obviously, it was beneficial for me because, unfortunately, I arrived here injured,” he stated. “I spent a while sidelined. Going back into competition was a bit of a challenge, but I trained, progressed, and grew little by little. Here I am, I scored my first goal, and I am quite happy about it.”

Vieira is savoring the fact that Arsenal’s supporters have embraced him, even adopting the surname of his predecessor, Patrick Vieira. “I am pleased to hear that. I take it as a sign that the fans appreciate my skills as a player. It feels fantastic to have their support.”