As soon as it is seen, the Hooded Mountain-Tanager captivates with its unique combination of colors. The iridescent blue upper parts create a celestial show, adorning the lemon-yellow breаst and beak that act as a lively backdrop. A black hood and throat complete this mesmerizing attire, lending the bird an air of majesty. The lemon-yellow bib and feathers are the most eye-catching aspects of this bird, but what really draws the viewer in are its intense red eyes, which seem to be radiating an inner fire.
These avian gems call the humid montane forests of the Andes’ eastern slopes home, and they do best between 2200 and 3500 meters in altitude. The lush fields and shaded trees that this beautiful area offers are reflected in their choice of habitat.

This incredible bird feeds mostly on arthropods, such as the spiders and insects that populate its verdant habitat. But their willingness to try new things shows how resourceful and flexible they are; their food choices even include berries.
The Hooded Mountain-Tanager, a singer of nature, performs throughout the year to serenade its environment. At dusk, though, as it pirouettes elegantly over the treetops, its singing builds to a climаx. As a comforting sign of the well-being of its environment and population, this species has been categorized as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List, despite its fascinating presence and value.
The Hooded Mountain Tanager is a sight to behold for anyone lucky enough to see it. An encounter that captures the awe-inspiring beauty of the Andean highlands is created by its brilliant colors, lovely music, and mystifying actions. Take a few moments to watch the video linked below to catch a peek of this avian marvel in action.