Jay Weinberg Opens Up on Playing With Metallica’s Rob Trujillo in Infectious Grooves: ‘as a Drummer, That’s Just Unreal’

Jay Weinberg Opens Up on Playing With Metallica’s Rоb Trujillo in Infectious Grooves: ‘as a Drummer, That’s Just Unreal’

Jay Weinberg recently shared his thoughts on his experience playing with Infectious Grooves, particularly highlighting the incredible synergy he found with Metallica’s Robert Trujillo.

Despite his departure from Slipknot, Jay Weinberg remаins focused on the present and the opportunities ahead. In a recent interview with HEAVY, he expressed his excitement for the upcoming Infectious Grooves’ reunion tour, where he’ll be performing alongside Trujillo, Mike Muir, Dean Pleasants, and Dave Kushner.

When asked if he felt nervous about joining a new group, Jay explained that such feelings are natural and essential for growth as a musician. He welcomed the challenge of integrating with new bandmates and exploring a different musical style.

Joining Infectious Grooves presented Jay with a unique challenge, as their funk-and-groove-oriented music diverged from his previous experiences. However, he embraced the opportunity wholeheartedly.

One of the highlights for Jay was the opportunity to groove with Metallica’s Rоb Trujillo. He described the experience as “unreal,” emphasizing the thrill of locking into the rhythm with such a renowned bassist.

Playing with Trujillo and the rest of the band has been an honor for Jay, and he expressed gratitude for the seamless chemistry they’ve achieved. While acknowledging the busy schedules of everyone involved, Jay sees the reunion tour as a chance to celebrate Infectious Grooves and inject some new energy into their music.

The upcoming Australian tour promises to be an exciting journey for Jay and his bandmates, offering fans the opportunity to witness their electrifying performances firsthand.