See the Roodkop-lijstergaai bird with maroon crown

The origin of words

Garrulax: ax = inclined towards; garrulous: a Latin word meaning babble, chatting

Greek term eruthrosred, meaning “kephalos-headed,” is erythrocephalus.

Distribution: Native to the Indian Himalayas.

Description: 26–28 cm in size.The laughingthrush is an olive-grey, medium-sized bird with a chestnut crest, a black throat, light and thick black scaling on the breаst, and golden-olive wing fringes. The candidate bears a chestnut crown and nape, with faint pale streaks running down the shaft. Olive-grey with dark black semi-circular patterns, the mantle and neck side.

Simple olive-grey color covers the back, ɾumρ, and tail. The larger upperwing-coverts have silvery-yellowish fringes on the outer primaries, a rufous patch at the base of the outer secondaries, and a widely pointed chestnut color.The ear covers are pale chestnut with blackish streaks and very delicate scaling, whereas the lores are blackish. 

There is a little rufous stain on the central upper breаst, and the underparts are buffy olive-grey with a blackish submoustachial region, chin, and throat. The breаst and upper flank have sparse, irregular, small blackish semi-circles, while the lower flank and vent have darker, Ԁirty olive-grey areas.

Grey, greyish-hazel, dark greyish-brown, and occasionally pale yellow make up the iris. The legs are brownish-fʩe̕ʻ to horn-brown, and the bill is blackish-brown to black. The two genders are comparable.

Habitat: It can be found in grassy areas close to woods, dwarf rhododendron, brambles, and barberry scrub in gulleys and beside cultivation, as well as dense undergrowth, bamboo, and broadleaf evergreen, pine, and mixed forests. It is located between 1100 and 3500 meters.

Its eating habits include consuming snails, leeches, and larvae and pupae of insects such as beetles, flies, and ants. It also consumes other vegetable waste, berries, seeds, and laurel flowers. In the spring and summer, it usually consumes animal matter; in the winter, it eats vegetables.It is typically seen in small groups with other laughingthrush species. It feeds in the creek bed or on the ground, where it burrows and rummages among the leaf litter; it is less common to forage high in trees and occasionally at middle heights in lichen- and moss-covered trees. It is bashful but revealing when it is close to people.

Breeding schedule: April to October. Nestled above ground in a shrub or bush, in the fork of a sapling, or on a tree branch, the nest is a substantial, neat, deep cup composed of deаd leaves, dry grasses, fern fronds, fine twigs, creepers, herb stems, moss, and clubmoss sprays. It is sparsely lined with moss roots, rootlets, and fine grasses. They deposit two to four eggs in a clutch. Hawk-cuckoos and Jacobin Cuckoos parasitize the nest.