Robert Trujillo explains the contrasting experiences of playing bass in Metallica compared to his involvement with the supergroup Infectious Grooves

Robert Trujillo explains the contrasting experiences of playing bass in Metallica compared to his involvement with the supergroup Infectious Grooves. Despite being proficient in both roles and despite the technical metal nature of both bands, Trujillo highlights significant differences between the two gigs. Reuniting with his former Suicidаl Tendencies bandmate Mike Muir adds complexity to balancing commitments to both projects.

In a recent interview with “Wall of Sound,” Trujillo acknowledged the challenges inherent in playing with Metallica, emphasizing the physical demands it entails. He noted the necessity of engaging different muscles and techniques when playing bass for Infectious Grooves, underscoring the unique demands of each musical context.

Bassists, alongside drummers, bear the responsibility of shaping the overall groove and feel of the music, an aspect often overlooked. Despite partnering with a talented drummer like Jay Weinberg in Infectious Grooves, Trujillo emphasized the distinct stylistic and feel differences between the two bands. He described the experience as both challenging and enlightening, offering him a fresh perspective on his musical journey.

To adapt to his role in Infectious Grooves, Trujillo outlined his approach of practicing specific scales nightly to enhance his stamina and acclimate to the different playing style and aggression it requires. Despite the challenges, he expressed enthusiasm and anticipation for the new venture, feeling more immersed in music than ever before.

In a separate interview, drummer Jay Weinberg shared his admiration for playing alongside Trujillo in Metallica, describing it as an unparalleled honor. He emphasized the exhilarating energy of collaborating with new musicians and highlighted the excitement of finding synergy as part of the rhythm section with Trujillo.

Both Trujillo and Weinberg hinted at forthcoming endeavors, including live performances and the prоspect of releasing new material. Their remarks underscore the dynamic and collaborative spirit driving their musical journey, characterized by mutual respect and a shared commitment to artistic excellence.