Metallica’s frontman, James Hetfield, is expanding his cigar line in collaboration with Drew Estate. The new release, called Blackened “S84 Shade To Black,” features a Connecticut shade wrapper and is ready for shipment. Formed in partnership with Jonathan Drew of Drew Estate and Rоb Dietrich of Blackened Whiskey, this Nicaraguan-made cigar comes in white boxes, offering a stark contrast to the original Blackened cigar, “M81,” which debuted in 2022.
The nаme “Shade To Black” is a clever nod to Metallica’s iconic song “Fade to Black,” known for its emotional depth and dynamic transitions. According to Hetfield, this new cigar is more than just a product; it’s a celebration of passion and craftsmanship.
The “Shade to Black” cigar boasts a blend that includes maduro tobacco, Connecticut broadleaf binder, and Nicaraguan filler tobacco, with hints of Pennsylvania broadleaf. It promises a deep, dark flavor profile that is smooth and velvety.
Available in various sizes, including Robusto, Toro, Cоrоna Doble, and Cоrоna, the cigar is priced between $9.15 and $10.35 per cigar. Unlike its predecessor, which was exclusively sold to Drew Diplomat retailers, “Shade To Black” will be available nationwide.
Keep an eye out for a blind, vertical brand tasting in an upcoming issue of Cigar Insider.