Dave Mustaine Reflects on Improved Relationship with Metallica’s James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich

Dave Mustaine Reflects on Improved Relationship with Metallica’s James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich

In a recent interview with Greg Prato of Consequence, Dave Mustaine opened up about the current state of his relationship with former Metallica bandmates James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich. Mustaine shared that after a period of strain, their friendship has evolved, and they find themselves in a better place than they have been for quite some time.


The Evolution of Friendship:
Speaking about the journey to mend fences, Mustaine acknowledged that it took time for the trio to rebuild their friendship. He expressed that the emotional complexities surrounding their past differences are relatable to those who have experienced breakups, emphasizing the parallels between band dynamics and marriage. Mustaine described the relationship as one that has its ebbs and flows but currently stands on solid ground.

Navigating Emotional Challenges:
Mustaine delved into the emotional nuances of parting ways with Metallica, likening it to a marital breakup where individuals often grapple with justifying their decisions. He shared his perspective on the importance of facing facts and avoiding unnecessary embellishments when reflecting on past events. Despite the challenges, Mustaine fondly regarded his time with Metallica as something immensely positive, expressing genuine well-wishes for their ongoing endeavors.

Acknowledging Kirk Hammett’s Skill:
The interview also touched on Kirk Hammett, Mustaine’s replacement in Metallica, and the recent criticism over Hammett’s guitar work on the band’s latest single, “Lux Æterna.” Mustaine defended Hammett’s skills, highlighting his achievements in winning numerous guitar contests for several decades. While admitting he hadn’t heard Metallica’s latest album, Mustaine conveyed confidence in its quality.

Reflections on the Past:
Addressing his feelings toward Metallica, Mustaine looked back on his departure in 1983 and the subsequent formation of Megadeth. He revealed the initial difficulty in digesting the events but emphasized the importance of moving forward. Mustaine shared insights into the challenges he faced regarding the use of his music by Metallica after leaving, highlighting instances where royalties became a contentious issue.

Closing Remarks:
Mustaine expressed contentment with his current state of life, emphasizing the priority he places on family, happiness, and personal achievements. He noted that despite the challenges, he has evolved over the years, achieving milestones such as Grammy wins and best-selling author status. The interview concluded with Mustaine reflecting on his journey from a 20-year-old in Metallica to a 60-year-old in Megadeth, underscoring his growth and accomplishments.