Jimmy Clark, the drummer for LARS ULRICH, says, “The METALLICA Crew Is Probably The Best Crew In The World”

In a recent interview with Nicholas Georgakopoulos of The ProgRock Digital podcast, METALLICA’s longstanding drum tech, Jimmy Clark, discussed his journey and shared insights into working with the iconic band.

Clark, who has been with METALLICA for a decade, spoke about how he landed the gig. He explained that in his industry, connections and word of mouth play a crucial role, and his entry into the METALLICA organization was facilitated by people he had known and worked with over the years. This network of professionals had followed his career, recognized his skills, and ultimately recommended him when the opportunity with METALLICA arose.

When asked about a typical day on the road with METALLICA, Clark emphasized the efficiency and stress-free environment within the well-coordinated team. With approximately 25 shows per year and a large 40-yard-by-40-yard stage for the ’72 Seasons’ tour, he praised the METALLICA crew as one of the best globally. Clark highlighted the professionalism and expertise within each department, resulting in quick, efficient, and safe equipment movements.

Reflecting on his role, Clark expressed his enjoyment, emphasizing his love for METALLICA’s music and the excitement he feels every night when Lars Ulrich, the band’s drummer, plays the first note. He conveyed a lack of stress associated with his current position and a high level of confidence in handling the responsibilities.

Clark acknowledged his initial nervousness when joining METALLICA, especially considering Ulrich’s iconic status in the metal genre. Over time, he became more comfortable, familiarizing himself with Ulrich’s cues and needs during performances. Today, Clark is at ease in his role, expressing confidence in his abilities and appreciation for the opportunity to work with such a renowned band.

In a previous interview with Drum! magazine, Clark detailed his transition from a carpenter/rigger role to becoming METALLICA’s official drum tech. Known for his meticulous cymbal polishing, Clark’s dedication to instrument maintenance caught the attention of the band’s former drum tech. In 2015, when the opportunity arose, Clark was offered the position, fulfilling his dream gig.

As METALLICA continues its “M72” tour in support of the latest album, Clark remains committed to his role as Lars Ulrich’s drum tech, expressing his intention to stay with the band until Ulrich’s retirement.