Jay-Z continues to add to the Armoured Dartz Prombron SUV supercar in his unique car collection

Jay-Z continues to add to the Armoured Dartz Prombron SUV supercar in his unique car collection!

In the realm of rap and entrepreneurship, Jay-Z stands as a steadfast guardian of his family’s security. With the anticipation of welcoming a new addition to his family with wife Beyoncé, he’s on a mission to ensure their safety and protection. And his weapon of choice? The awe-inspiring Latvian Dartz Prombron.

Jay-Z's car collection is the greatest | British GQJay-Z In The Market For An Amored Dartz Prombron | AutoGuide.comThe Dartz Prombron is not your ordinary SUV; it’s a fortress on wheels, impervious to attacks from AK-47s and even rocket launchers. With a spectrum of protection levels, ranging from B2 to B7+, and a plethora of exterior and interior customization options, the Dartz Prombron aligns perfectly with Jay-Z’s vision for the utmost security.

Jay-Z and Beyonce Dartz PrombronWhat’s more, the Dartz Prombron is set to make its cinematic debut next year in Sacha Baron Cohen’s movie, ‘The Dictator.’ Notably, one of the three gold Dartz Prombrons featured in the film is currently up for sale. With a penchant for crafting special editions, Dartz might just be concocting a bespoke Jay-Z edition of their Prombron, slated for delivery in 2012. Jay-Z’s pursuit of safeguarding his family is not only a testament to his commitment but also an embodiment of his affinity for the extraordinary.